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Time Line and Decisions of a Surrogacy Journey

Updated: Oct 3, 2024

Expect this to take one to two years from contract signing.

Surrogacy baby


You decide surrogacy is the route for you to complete your family.  For most people this is a one-to-two-year decision at the least.  Ironically, this is the same time frame surrogates take to decide they want to be a surrogate.


You need to decide what country is the one for you.  If you can afford the United States ($160,000 plus), that is right for you.  If you decide on an international venue, decide what country is right for you.  International venues vary from $45,000 to about $80,000.  Single people do not qualify in all countries.


Decide which agency you want to use.  Being independent outside the USA is nearly impossible.  Choose an agency that can bring all the pieces to the table.  Dr. Kramer can advise you on what to look for in an agency and may recommend an agency if Eternal Spring is not for you.


Execute your contract with your chosen agency.  This should outline all of their responsibilities.

Contract intended parents

Egg Donor

Now the journey becomes exciting where you choose the gamete donor of your child, or your child’s genetic roots.  Many international programs will have local donors to offer.  These are the most cost effective.  Another option is buying eggs from an egg bank.  There are many international egg banks.  We at Eternal Spring, have both local egg donors and relationships with egg banks.  We also offer custom searching for your egg donor.

Sperm Collection

This takes place once you have an agreement with an agency and needs to take place prior to egg retrieval.

Genetic Tests

Prior to the in vitro fertilization procedure, you need to decide if you want any genetic tests.  There are two basic types of genetic tests to consider.  One type looks for specific genetic diseases that can be passed onto offspring.  The second basic type looks for the best embryos (genetic compliment) and as a side benefit identifies the gender.  If you have no reason to suspect any genetic diseases, the former test is not warranted.  The second genetic test is only warranted if you want to determine gender.

Egg Retrieval

This step of the process takes place after the donor has been fully medically screened and prepared for egg retrieval.  She will be given two types of hormones starting at her first menstrual cycle following medical clearance.  The first set of hormonal injections will allow her to grow extra follicles.  The second hormonal treatment causes the eggs (oocytes) to mature.


The in vitro fertilization will take place the same day as eggs are retrieved.  Previously frozen sperm will be thawed and mixed with the freshly retrieved eggs.  Fertilized eggs, now becoming embryos, will be grown in the laboratory until day five when they will be frozen.   If genetic tests are warranted, a biopsy of each embryo will be taken at day five.

Surrogate Preparation:  At this time the gestational carrier (surrogate) will be prepared for an embryo transfer.  She will be given estrogen and progesterone to grow her endometrium beyond 10 mm thickness.  Embryo transfer takes place at day 19 of her menstrual cycle.


Now Wait

A blood test will be taken in two weeks looking for the pregnancy hormone called hCG (human Chorionic Gonadotropin).  A second test will be given in another two weeks to see the rise in this hormone in the surrogate’s blood.  At about 10 to 12 weeks of pregnancy an ultrasound will be given to look for fetal heartbeat.

Wait a bit more

If successful, come and get your baby in nine months. 

If needed: A second embryo transfer will occur in the proximate surrogate menstrual cycle.

Paper Work Now

We will register your baby with the national registry of people and with your embassy.  With the birth certificate we obtain baby passport.  This takes under three weeks in case of USA citizens.


Take your baby home

Keep in mind this time line when you make your decisions for your surrogacy journey. Remember at Eternal Spring we are here to guide you every step of the way.

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